1 Aug 2008

 Visiting Lana and Logan

Posted by Jamie

We left Lori’s and headed to Cache Valley. We had a wonderful visit with G’ma Gunnell, G’pa Gunnell was at the temple so we had to catch him later. We miss them so much! What a blessing it was to live next door to them for several years. It was great getting caught up with all of their family and most importantly seeing Sister Gunnell doing so well health wise, she is battling this cancer with full force! She is an amazing woman! We did find out a few days after we got home that her cancer is officially in remission—YEAH!!!

Next we dropped Susie off at her friend Richelle’s house and the rest of us went to see the Fullmers. It was almost Becca and Rylee’s birthday and Gavin’s is soon after theirs. So we decided to surprise them (Allison was in on it obviously). We put bows in the girl’s hair so they could be surprise birthday gifts and knocked on their door. I was standing to the side ready to take pictures of it all. We could hear the kids running to answer the door and then we heard Rylee say in a very nonchalant way…”oh it’s Jamie” like it is the most normal thing in the world for us to stop in when we live clear across the country now!!! Crazy girl! Well Gavin didn’t waste any time, he threw open the door and plowed his way through to Katie and gave her the biggest hug ever! It was awesome! We visited with them for a while, the kids had a great time playing. They have all missed their best friends. It was great to reconnect with the Allison, Clint and their kids.


We gathered everyone up and met up with Lana, Colin and Penney and went out to dinner. I can’t believe how much Penney has grown, she is a foot taller I swear! Anyway we had a great time together. We stayed at their house that night. I love Lana’s house. It reminds me of when I lived in Wyoming that one summer. Beautiful green hills, cool evenings, so peaceful. The house itself is very countryish, perfect for them. We spent Saturday with them riding horses, well Colin tried to get bucked off, glad it was him not Susie!!! 🙂 He also took them on the 4-wheelers. All of them loved it except Xander was too busy “fishing” in Lana’s wishing well to leave and go for a ride. He spent a lot of time ‘fishing’. It was very cute.


Next morning we got ready and went back to Logan so we could go to church with G’pa Gunnell and visit Logan 10th ward. It was great to be back and see so many wonderful people again. We have such great memories of that ward. We only stayed for the one meeting and then we went to see the temple, USU campus and the cemetery. That was really tough. I cried and cried, called Jason and cried some more…but we made it through and enjoyed our picnic together. After church was over we went back to the Gunnells for another visit. I loved that the kids were just so comfortable there. Xander came in, gave hugs and asked if he could go to the playroom! Later he helped himself to their snack cupboard and asked to play on the swings. He remembered where everything was just like he belonged there. We went and visited our old home and he didn’t act that way, didn’t seem to remember our house like he did the Gunnells house. Maybe because of all the changes the Sheppherds have made (it looks soooooo nice, how we always dreamed of fixing it up but never could!) I am not sure but I thought it was really neat that this little boy who was only 2 1/2 when we left remembered how happy he was at the Gunnells and slipped right back in like we had never left!

After a great visit with the Gunnells and the Shepherds we went back to the Fullmers to stay for the night. The greatest part about that night was Xander and Chase. Chase introduced Xander to the sport of football!!! And Xander went, well… he went bonkers on us!!! There is no other explanation…the two of them started tackling each other. Chase showed him how to do ‘one two three hut…’ I have never seen Xander that way, it was like something clicked in his brain, something like: wow this is cool I LOVE FOOTBALL! And he went crazy, taking Chase down in a full side arm tackle, over and over and over. He was sweating so bad. It was absolutely hilarious! I am a little embarrassed to admit that I bought him a football the next day!

[quicktime width=”400″ height=”300″]http://www.swansonthego.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/xander_chase_play_football.mov[/quicktime]

Susie had stayed at her friend Kate’s house so we picked them up and Richelle and we spent the next day at the aquatic center with the Fullmers. It was a great day hanging out enjoying friendship! I was thrilled to see Missy Perkes there too! It was great chatting with her! The great day had to eventually come to an end…and what a dramatic end it was. We were all a mess saying good-bye. Even little Xander was sobbing saying “I want to stay here!” As we were getting in the car to leave Katie yells at me, literally yells “I MISS THEM ALREADY” she was so upset leaving Gavin, poor kid!


We went back to Lana’s to sleep and then had another great day hanging out with her and Penney. More fishing for Xander, trampoline for the girls and just some much needed relaxing and sister bonding for me! We left early afternoon and ran some errands in Logan and of course had to make a stop for Aggie Ice Cream! Before leaving town we stopped and visited the Horsley family. We miss these guys so much too! It was wonderful to visit with them and catch up on their lives. They are an amazing family…we were also able to squeeze in a quick visit with Sherrie Daniels, so fun to see her again. And dear sweet Bea, she is an elect lady we cared for and fell in love with in our years with our business. We visited with her until I couldn’t stand my kids anymore…shoved them back in the van with a happy meal and more chapters of Harry Potter on CD!!! Phew…back to Tooele for the Freston Family Campout!

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